The Education Project— Promoting Equitable Education as a Human Right

When thinking about “equal” education, many automatically think about the public school system and how every child is provided free education in the United States. However, Equitable Education goes a lot deeper than simply receiving a public-school education.

On the surface, it may appear as though everyone receives equal access to a K-12 education. Upon taking a deep dive into the definition of “equity” and the treatment of students, it is apparent that there is a discrepancy between how students from varying walks of life experience the current education system.

Check out our definition of Equitable Education, how it has a positive impact on society, and how The Education Project is addressing this societal issue. 

The Definition of Equitable Education

Equitable education isn’t a brand-new concept. In fact, many countries and nations are in pursuit of making education as equitable as possible for each individual. As an example, in Article 26 of the United Nation’s Universal Declaration of Human Rights, it is stated that “Everyone has the right to education. Education shall be free, at least in the elementary and fundamental stages” (United Nations, 1948).

It’s important to remember that “equal” isn’t the same as “equitable.” As defined by WGU Missouri, Equitable Education is “the pursuit of creating an educational system that caters to students of all kinds and develops their educational experience accordingly” (An Overview of Equity in Education, 2021). 

This means students are given an education that is tailored to their specific level of needs rather than each student receiving the exact same baseline education. While many recognize the importance of Equitable Education for all, most falsely align it with providing equal education.

As you can imagine, providing all students an “equal” education can be quite harmful. Not all students benefit from a one-size-fits-all educational structure and pigeonholing them can result in a negative relationship with school. As such, Equitable Education is the key to giving each child a personalized success plan while ensuring their human rights are respected.

Equitable Education as a Human Right

Education is a fundamental human right and one that is essential for the development and well-being of individuals and societies. In an article written by Sharon E. Lee and published in the Democracy Education Journal, the stance of education being a human right is based on two principles.

The first point analyzed in this article is that Equitable Education empowers children to grow up with the “social and life skills necessary to secure a job, to be an active member of a peaceful community, and to have a fulfilling life” (Lee, S. (n.d.)).

Furthermore, due to a variety of circumstances, including gender and even economic stance, all children experience education differently. Therefore, instead of checking the box of providing each child a K-12 education, Equitable Education should be “considered a human rights issue on par with the right to food or the right to freedom” (Lee, S. (n.d.)).

Unfortunately, access to quality education is not always equitable, particularly in the public school system. Despite the best efforts of politicians, administrators, teachers, and staff, not every student currently receives the differentiated care, consideration, and attention they need for an Equitable Education. 

Our Equitable Education Solutions

Here at The Education Project, our team of education experts take a detailed approach to giving children the high-level of education they deserve. In addition, we are dedicated to providing “one-on-one remote tutoring and mentorship for under-resourced students to support their academic success and facilitate pathways for college and career readiness.” 

Our professionals in education are committed to serving students from all walks of life, including underserved populations. Equitable Education has been proven to be essential for personal and professional development and enables individuals to participate fully in society and contribute to its growth and prosperity! 

Proven Benefits of Equitable Education:

  • Promotes social mobility
  • Encourages economic mobility
  • Breaks generational poverty
  • Creates a more equalsociety
  • Minimizes school-to-prison pipeline
  • Increases resiliency to adversity
  • Empowers individuals to reach their potential

As such, our team at The Education Project believes that every child deserves Equitable Education, not only for the security of their futures but also for the betterment of society as a whole. For more information about our mission here at The Education Project, we invite you to View our site. Opportunities to volunteer as a tutor and Donate are also available! 


An Overview of Equity in Education. (2021, July 8). Western Governors University.

Frey, D. S. (2022, April 14). Why Is Education So Important in The Quest for Equality? MAHB.

Lee, S. (n.d.). Education as a Human Right in the 21st Century

United Nations. (1948, December 10). Universal Declaration of Human Rights. United Nations; 

United Nations.

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